Times goes everyday……When alive not death send message at my email that Vannes Wu birthdays already close. You know, he was Taiwan’s big actors (First movie, was Meteor Garden – with F4).
It’s seem I just watch Next Stop Happiness (it’s good movie, you should take a look for it), which Vannes Wu and Ady An just celebrate their birthday at location making of the movie.
And now it’s going to that moment again.
Times goes by, and I’m still at here, same with last year. Still working at same office, same place, same neighborhood, same activity....
I did made changed of my life, but not such a big change. In this years, I had a new friends, visit wonderful place, go foreign, had new job description at my work, take lesson, and I’m still thinking, what kind of changing that I already made, but it’s seems no more ...
Being busy, and yes I’m busy, but my busy things only task, duty, obligation. It’s seems no value added add from all of that.
The things that I willy want, till now, I hadn’t achieve it yet.
People said that we had to dream, had high dream, the more high is better. But there’s people said also, that had a dream was not good, more high, more terrible, cause when it can be comes true, we got stresses for it. Hmmm…..it’s complicated I think.
Watch my niece and nephew grow up, and yes, they made changing everyday. Had new things, new experience. They grow everyday, slowly but sure. And I still here, same with yesterdays.
Two days before, my niece ask my activity, and she records all of my activity. She wrote my activity was, working, watch series movie (not everyday), sleeping, busy with social activity (not a lot activity actually), went to temple, and made homework (not everyday). That’s all, and she told me to sign at her report.
And today, I just realize that’s my activity was so common. Times goes by and I’m still doing same things.
Sometimes I think, do I had to take job at foreign? – I do had offer for it once at Beijing, and I already refuse it.
Or move to others town to get new job?
Or doing crazy things? (for this one – I don’t things so)
Asking my others friends, they said that they felt same things with me. And they just same with me, didn’t know how to face it.
It’s seems when age already past 30, this condition comes to us. It that’s right? Feel the same as I felt?
Many book I read, many seminary, or talk show I follow and hear.
Actually all saying same things, that if we want to made a big change, we had to try and go for it, don’t be afraid being fail, pray, be a good human, help each others, pray to God, always satisfy and thanks to God for all condition that we already had.
Do all of that, and the result still same. Everyday life with same things.
When I watch Oprah Show, and know that many people made a big change for their life, I feel happy for them. But, look inside my self , what should I do?
For this one, I already made myself busy, by follow or take or made activity, but, at the end, it’s still the same, it’s only short changing.
Any idea, what we had do with our short precious life?