Last day at Thailand.
Jam setengah 6 kami diantar ke airport, waktu 20 menit. Karena sudah self check in, flight jam 06.40 kami langsung ke gate. Penerbangan tampak ramai.
Sampai di Bangkok, kami ke tempat penitipan bagasi untuk menurunkan muatan kami. Diperbolehkan untuk mengambil bagasi, waktu yang diberikan 5-15 menit.
Setelah itu kami naik Airport railway ke Phaya Thai – rate 45 bath. Dilanjutkan naik BTS ke Mochit – tujuan Chatuchak, rate 30 bath.
Dari BTS jalan kaki kira2 5 menit untuk sampai ke pasar ini. Luas pasar ini 18 hektar, konon merupakan pasar terbesar diasia.
Tapi tujuan utama kami adalah Chamlong Asoke Vegetarian restaurant. Ternyata tempat ini tidak berada didalam pasar, kami perlu keluar dari pasar ini, dari sisi yang berbeda dari tempat kami masuk, kemudian menyebrangi jalan raya. Disebrang Chatuchak terdapat tempat penjualan furniture. Dari sini kami jalan lurus kemudian belok ke kiri. Disanalah Chamlong Asoke Vegetarian restaurant.
Chamlong Asoke merupakan food court yang seluruh menu yang disajikan vegetarian, organic, no onion, no garlic. Makanan disini murah rate 10-20 bath. Nasi, mie, bihun, sup, buah, gorengan, kacang kuah, dll. Semua menu lezat, akan tetapi apa daya kapasitas tampung terbatas, jadi tidak bisa mencoba semuanya.
Disini juga terdapat Supermarket yang menjual bahan organic & vegan. Kami membeli ice cream harga 15 bath – 4 rasa – seperti es puter, but delicious.
Setelah kenyang dan membungkus nasi untuk makan malam kami, kami lanjut ke JJ market (Chatuchack). Karena menurut kami barnag disini mahal mahal, jadi kami tidak window shopping disini, hanya membeli anting, harga 9 bath, dompet kecil 10 bath & kaos 100 bath dapat 3 item. Cuaca sangat panas & terik, kami tidak sanggup melanjutkan perjalanan, jadi kami putuskan untuk kembali ke airport. Naik BTS ke Phaya Thai lanjut dengan airport railway. Sampai diairport kami ngaso, ganti baju, bersantai2, serta makan malam. Baru kemudian kami mengambil bagasi dan drop baggage.
Antri drop baggage juga tidak terlalu panjang, dibandingkan dengan counter check in.
Airport disini free duty, tapi snacknya mahal.
That’s all my journey to Thailand. See you on my next trip.
Pagi ini hujan, sehingga cuaca sejuk, sejak kemarin malam hujan, kami tidur dengan jendela terbuka.
Hari ini kami mengambil tur ke Chiang Rai melalui Travel Hub, Harga 900 bath (tur gabungan). Book via on line.
Sarapan pagi roti toasted (2 pc) dengan selai nanas & butter, harga 25 bath.
Jam 07.10 kami dijemput Travel Hub, untung lokasi penginapan kami dekat dengan Travel Hub, jadi kami dijempul paling awal sehingga bisa pilih tempat duduk didepan. Peserta tur total 8 orang, Kami dari Indonesia, 2 orang dari Hongkong, 3 orang dari Singapore, 1 orang dari New Zealand.
Berikut tujuan wisata kami :
• Visit Mae Khajan hot springs
• Wat Rong Khun (White Temple)
• Visit Golden Triangle
• Boat trip on the Mekong to Laos Island (option)
• Have lunch
• Visit border market at Mae Sai
• Visit Yao hill tribe village
• Visit Akha hill tribe village
• Visit karen hill tribe village
Menurut guide kami (Ms Anna), bahwa konon terdapat kerajaan lama, Lanna Kingdom, dengan raja bernama Meng rai. Suatu hari raja kehilangan gajahnya, dan pergi mencarinya.
Dalam pencarian itu sampailah raja disuatu tempat (sekarang Chiang Rai), dan raja menyukai tempat tersebut, lalu dibangunlah kota disana.
Selanjutnya barulah ditemukan Chiang Mai. Luas Chiang Rai hanya setengah dari Chiang Mai.
Mae Khajan Hot Springs
Dibutuh 1 jam mengemudi ketempat ini. Sampai disana ada Getsyer – tapi air tidak panas. Dan dibelakang ada tempat untuk merendam kaki. Suhu air 70-80 derajat Celcius. Udara sejuk – ada pedagang yang menjual asesories.
Dibandingkan dengan tempat pemandian air panas Ciater – Bandung atau pemandian di Gunung Kelud, tempat ini kecil sekali.
Kami berendam kaki disana, setelah itu kaki terasa lebih nyaman.
Wat Rong Khun (White Temple)
Dari Hot spring dibutuhkan 1 jam mengemudi ke White temple. Kuil ini dibangun oleh artis ternama Thailand. Ada foto artis tersebut disana. Saya lupa namanya, karena dia berasal dari Chiang Rai dan ingin melakukan sesuatu terhadap kampung halamannya, maka ia mendirikan kuil disini.
Sampai hari ini kuil tersebut belum selesai dibangun, tapi bangunan induk sudah selesai. Disini dilarang merokok, membawa minuman keras.
Pada bangunan kuil bagian bawah banyak ukiran tangan, yang melambangkan neraka – bad people, sedangkan orang yang baik melewati jembatan masuk ke dalam kuil. Di dalam kuil ada patung Budha (tidak besar).
Yang menarik didalamnnya terdapat wallpaper dengan cerita : dunia diambang bencana, banyak bencana baik yang disebabkan oleh manusia (senjata, nuklir, bom) maupun bencana yang disebabkan oleh alam. Disana juga digambarkan banyak super hero (Superman, Spiderman, batman, bahkan Doraemonpun ada), tapi mereka tidak bisa menyelamatkan dunia dari kekacauan. Hanya orang orang baik saja yang selamat naik perahu ke surga.
Didalam kuil dilarang mengambil foto.
Banyak tempat bisa berfoto disini.
Toilet disini mewah sekali, karena seluruhnya berwarna emas. Sangat cantik.
Disamping terdapat gedung pameran lukisan, didalamnya terdapat berbagai macam lukisan Budha, burung phoenix, dan binatang kuno berkaki 4 (ada dalam sejarah bangsa Cina).
Dipinggir ruang pameran terdapat fasilitas air minum gratis. Airnya sejuk, dingin.
Golden Triangle
Kenapa disebut Golden Triangle ?
Karena dulunya tempat ini banyak ditanami opium dan alat pembayaran yang diterima hanya emas (Gold).
Tempat ini merupakan titik pertemuan 3 negara : Thailand, Laos, Myamar.
Jadi tempat ini disebut Golden Triangle.
Sungai Golden Traingle merupakan aliran sungai Yunan dari Cina. Bila ingin berpergian ke Cina dengan kapal kecil melalui sungai ini memakan waktu 3-4 hari.
Disini kami naik perahu, untuk naik perahu kami membayar 300 bath + 20bath untuk tax masuk ke Laos.
Dipinggir sungai ini terdapat Kasino – di Myanmar, serta ada hotel mewah – Paradise Hotel.
Kami diturunkan di Laos market.
Disini bisa dtemukan banyak barang dari Cina, karena pada umumnya mereka merupakan orang Cina yang berdagang dan tinggal disana. Bath diterima disni.
Kami ditawari minum whisky – gratis. But you know what, whiskynya berasal dari dalam botol yang didalamnya terdapat ular berbisa, kalajengking, laba laba beracun. Saya tidak mencobanya, yang mencoba turis asing (bule), dan menurut mereka rasanya sangat tidak enak.
Kami diberi waktu setengah jam untuk belanja disini.
Barang disini lebih murah dibanding Thailand, bahkan dari Chatuchak. So beli beli beli….
Contoh dompet kain dengan gambar gajah, di sini Bath 100 dapat 3 (nego – 70 bath), dichatuchak 120, tidak bisa nego. Tempat yang menjual barang serupa di chatuchak paling murah : 80 bath.
Setelah itu kami makan siang. Saya tidak tau tempat kami makan siang, yang pasti tempatnya bagus, sejuk, menu makanan sangat beragam, terdapat kue, buah, sayur, nasi, mie, bihun, sup (komplit).
Border Market at Mae Sae
Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Pasar Mae Sae. Letak pasar ini diperbatasan Myanmar. Untuk orang asing yang ingin menyebrang harus membayar 500 bath, sedangkan untuk penduduk lokal hanya perlu membayar 20 bath.
Disini banyak pendatang dari Cina, jadi jangan heran bila banyak menemukan produk dari Cina. Bahkan saya menemukan la ji (baca Lakji) makanan khas Zhu Hai – Cina disini.
Snack disini murah, banyak pedagang menjual permata. Bagi yang tidak berpengalaman dengan batu permata tidak disarankan untuk membeli disini.
Akha/Yao Trible Hill Village
Masyarakat Akha merupakan imigran dari Yunan – Cina. Mereka datang kesini beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu. Juga ada pendatang dari Burma & Laos, mereka datang saat Negara mereka sedang ada perang.
Mereka tinggal dirumah panggung yang terbuat dari bambu. Dan hanya ada 1 ruangan didalamnya, yang digunakan sebagai ruang tamu & ruang tidur. Dapur ada diluar rumah mereka.
Mereka memenuhi hidup mereka dengan bercocok tanam, dan berternak.
Karen Hill Village
Lokasi suku Karen dekat dengan suku Yao/Akha. Cara hidup mayarakat suku Karen sama dengan panduduk yao/Akha. Bedanya gadis disini memakai ring dileher mereka.
Untuk masuk kesini kami harus membayar 200 bath.
Mengapa mereka diharuskan memakai ring?
Dulu saya mendengar mereka memakai ring supaya tidak diterkam oleh harimau. Akan tetapi kata guide kami, mereka diharuskan memakai ring dengan tujuan supaya tidak menikah dengan orang diluar suku Karen.
Mereka mulai memakai ring sejak berusia 5 tahun. Tapi saat ini mereka boleh memilih untuk tidak memakai ring, karena mereka ingin pergi ke sekolah umum.
Ada relawan yang datang ke suku ini tiap hari untuk memberikan pendidikan.
Saat ini mereka sudah diperbolehkan untuk menikah dengan orang dari luar. Dan bila mereka menikah dengan orang luar mereka boleh melepaskan ring tersebut. Bila berpergian keluar, mereka akan menutupi leher mereka supaya tidak tampak seperti orang asing.
Sekarang hanya anak perempuan yang lahir pada hari rabu, saat bulan purnama yang harus memakai ring dileher mereka. Dipercayai bahwa mereka akan tampak cantik bila memakai ring.
Tanpa memakai ringpun mereka sudah terlihat cantik. Yah, gadis suku ini cantik cantik.
Saya mencoba memegang ring tersebut, beratnya lebih dari 4kg. Wow…mereka harus memakaianya sepanjang hidup mereka.
Mereka hidup mandiri, bahkan membuat baju sendiri. Para gadis sehari harinya menenum kain untuk dijadikan selendang for sale harga 1000 bath.
Rok yang dikenakan mereka pada dasarnya adalah sarung.
Beberapa ada yang memakai ring dibawah lutut, dan anting anting yang panjang dan berat . It's was from different community, not Karen.
Setelah itu kami kembali ke Chiang Mai, dibutuh waktu 3 jam untuk mengemudi ke Chiang Mai. Kami turun di restaurant taste from heaven. Restaurant vegetarian & organic, harga lebih mahal range 59-89 bath.
Jam 06.30 kami sudah dibawah, tujuan check out dan mau titip bagasi, karena kami akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Chiang Mai by plane. Tidak ada petugas di meja check out. Ternyata ada peraturan untuk check out pagi hari harus dilakukan pada jam kerja : jam 08.00 – 22.00, selain jam itu tidak dilayani.
Tidak ada staff yang bisa membantu kami check out, karena semuanya wewenang dari petugas office. Jadi kami rugi 100 bath (uang deposit kunci) dan titdak bisa titip bagasi. Untuk titip bagasi ada formulir yang harus diisi. Harga titip bagasi Suk 11 per hari 20 bath.
Ok, kami tidak mempermasalahkan itu. Kami ambil bagasi kami dan langsung ke airport naik taxi meter. But you know what, begitu supir taxi tau kami ke airport Suvarnabhumi (istilah supir taxi BKK), dia langsung mencharge kami 500bath (alasannya jauh), dan kami tidak bisa menolak, karena jam check in sudah mepet, akibat menunggu owner Suk11 datang. Flight kami jam 08.40, saat itu sudah jam 07.30.
Tips naik taxi, pilih taxi warna merah muda, karena mobil lebih baru jadi bisa jalan dengan cepat. Taxi kami warna hijau, tidak bisa jalan cepat, walaupun sudah jalan 100km kecepatan masih lambat.
Sampai diairport, kami minta diturunkan di gate 2, tapi supir taxi sok tau, dan diturunkan di gate 6. jadi kami bawa bagasi lari menuju gate 2 (Gate Air asia – penerbangan domestic & international sama).
Karena sudah selft check in, kami hanya menanyakan pintu gate, dan turun ke bawah untuk titip bagasi di airport. Harga per hari 100 bath, 12 jam selanjutnya 50 bath per 12 jam.
Flight depart on time, sampai di Chiang Mai (oh ya book tiket ke sini jauh jauh hari – waktu promo, tiket normal bath 1200 keatas, saya dapat bath 756 - one way, tiket PP dikali 2) +/- jam 10.00.
Tujuan pertama Wat Suan Dok, kami naik taxi – karena tidak menemukan Red Car, kami naik taxi. Tapi tidak naik dari dalam – karena taxi dari dalam harga Bath 120. Kami naik taxi airport diluar. Bayar airport tax 50 bath, lalu bayar meter ke supir. Meter sampai Wat Suan Dok 52 bath.
Disini cuaca juga terik. Memang kota lebih sepi dibanding bangkok, tapi panasnya sama saja. Setelah masuk ke dalam temple, foto2, kami ke belakang makan siang. Disini menjual menu vegetarian vegan dan organic. Harga makanan 40-45 bath. Minum gratis (air putih).
Kami order Sup Tom Yam, Nasi Goreng, Sphaggethy, nasi beras merah – total 140 bath.
Setelah itu kami naik Songtheuw ke Chiang mai University – tariff bath 20 per orang. Dari sana kami naik red Car (Songtheuw) ke Bhubhing Palace, setelah nego kami dapat Bath 600 (supir menunggu kami). It’s private tur.
Perjalanan +/- 40 menit (supirnya ngebut banget, pastikan sudah makan kalo mau naik, supaya ga mabok).
Sampai disini beli tiket 50 bath + dapat peta. Ada 10 tempat yang bisa dikunjungi – it’s garden & only had small building, which we can’t enter it.
Bunga disini cantik, cuaca sejuk, dan kami hanya sampai stop ke 5 – air mancur, yang sialnya waktu itu dimatikan. Padahal ke Bhubing palace mo foto disana. Ya udah balik dah.
Next destination Wat Prahtat Doi Suthep – jarak 4 km dari bhubing Palace. Tidak sampai 10 menit sudah sampai.
Langsung beli tiket Bath 50 (20 – tiket masuk, 30 – naik elevator). Konon Wat ini merupakan candi tersuci di Chiang Mai, dan banyak orang yang datang berdoa disana, baik penduduk lokal maupun turis.
Dari sini bisa melihat pemandangan kota Chiang Mai, sayang watu itu berkabut, jadi pemandangan tidak jelas. Kami turun tidak naik elevator tapi melalui tangga naga. Di tengah tengah tangga ada anak kecil berkostum tradisional masyarakat Yao Hill Village. Untuk berfoto dengan mereka harus membayar 20 bath.
Bila ingin membeli barang disini, beli saja, karena di bandingkan dengan harga di Chatuchak harga lebih murah, bisa ditawar juga.
Selanjutnya kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Wat Prah Shing – ini merupakan kuil tercantik di Chiang Mai. Disini kami membayar ongkos Red Car 700 bath (seharusnya membayar 600 bath saja sudah cukup, tapi saya kasihan karena kami naik dari Chiang mai Univ, tapi diantarkan ke down town).
Di Wat Prah Shing banyak bikhu cilik, sepertinya mereka baru saja melakukan ritual atau kegiatan disini. Kami hanya sebentar – setelah berfoto – kami melanjutkan ke Wat Chedi Luang dengan jalan kaki.
Disini merupakan kuil tertua di Chiang Mai, suasana didalam kuil lebih khusuk. Tampak bangunan sudah terlihat tua tapi masih terpelihara.
Kami melanjutkan perjalanan dengan tuk tuk ke May Kaidee restaurant (tariff bath 50)– Vegan & organic rest. Makan disini murah, 1 porsi hanya 20 bath. Setelah makan kami langsung check in ke Chiang Mai thai House, naik tuk tuk (bath 50).
Chiang Mai Thai house, merupakan guest house kecil, tapi ada kolam renang, plus 5 PC dengan free internet yang bisa digunakan jam 8 pagi – jam 10 malam. Kami menyewa kamar dengan fan (420 bath – book via, tanpa breakfast.
Kamar bersih, jendela lebar, bisa dibuka tanpa khawatir ada serangga masuk, karena ada kawat nyamuk yang bisa dibuka tutup. Ada TV (Thai channel, yang bisa kami lihat hanya star movie saja).
Kamar mandi bersih, ada handuk dan sabun. Dibandingkan dengan Suk11, harga jauh lebih murah, fasilits lebih banyak. Chiang Mai siang hari hawa terasa panas, tetapi malam hari hawa sejuk.
Dari Guest house ke Chiang Mai Night Bazaar bisa ditempuh dengan jalan kaki 15 menit. Saat check in kami diberi peta Chiang Mai.
Guest house menyediakan sarana penjemputan atau pengantaran ke airport. 160 bath untuk 1 atau 2 pax, sedang lebih dari 3 : 80 bath/pax. Kami diberi rate 300 bath untuk 2 orang, tidak bisa dinego karena kami ke airport jam setengah 6 pagi.
Lama sudah menanti perjalanan yang satu ini. Akhirnya bisa juga menjejakkan kaki ke Thailand. Untuk penerbangan Air Asia bisa web check in 7 hari sebelum tanggal penerbangan, jadi saran saya lebih baik check in via web.
Karena penjemputan teman saya ke airport mepet, saat sampai di counter check in sudah tutup – kami sampai kurang 45 menit dari jadwal penerbangan. Untung sudah self check in, jadi kami hanya drop baggage saja.
Bila tidak membawa bagasi – tinggal ke counter check in air asia untuk minta validasinya.
Sebelum ke imigrasi (out from Indonesian) pastikan sudah mengisi form keberangkatan & kedatangan yang diperoleh saat check in – kalau belum diisi akan ditolak petugas imigrasi.
Rabu 20 April 2011.
Sampai di Suvarnabhumi sudah malam jam 19.40, penerbangan board on time. Imigrasi juga tidak antri, yang menunggu agak lama antri ambil bagasi. Jadi bisa ada kesempatan bernarsis ria dulu hehehe....
Setelah itu exit di gate 8 – turun 1 lantai beli tiket bus ke AE03. Kami menginap di Suk11 – Sukhumvit, harga tiket Bath 150. Bis langsung berangkat – walaupun penumpang cuma 4 orang (termasuk kami). Lama perjalanan kira2 45 menit (karena rute bis memutar – jadi agak lama). Kami diturunkan di soi 5 (sama dengan penumpang yang lain), Suk11 di soi 11.
Setelah Tanya kesana kemari – akhrinya kami sampai di Suk11 (tidak perlu naik taxi atau tuk2 kesini – bisa ditempuh dengan jalan kaki). Sepanjang jalan Sukhumvit banyak pedagang kaki lima, tapi harga disini mahal.
Sampai di Suk11, tidak ada petugas di depan meja check in, walaupun dibelakang meja check in ada kantor (di dalamnya ada 3 orang) tapi tidak ada yang mau keluar melayani kami. Setelah mengetuk pintu dan mengatakan kalau mau check in, baru deh salah satu staff keluar.
Staff unfriendly, cenderung tidak informatif, jadi harus cari info sendiri. Walaupun guest house dengan harga murah, seharusnya mereka bisa memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik.
Kami dapat kamar di Lt 4, (413), harus naik tangga ke atas, plus bawa bagasi. Tangga kayu kecil, sangat tidak nyaman, hati2 untuk orang yang sudah berumur, sama sekali tidak rekomendasi tempat ini.
Setelah check in, kami jalan2 disekitar Sukhumvit – tidak beli apa2. Pengenya sih ke China town, tapi dari Suk11 kesana makan waktu 45 menit, transport yang paling dekat BTS hualampong, setelah itu harus naik bis (ribet – jadi ga jadi ke sana).
Kamis, 21 April 2011.
Hari kartini, jadi hari ini pakai baju batik. Berpakaian sopan, celana panjang – karena tujuan kami hari ini GrandPalace, Wat Pho. Wat Arun, VimanmekMansion yang menuntut untuk berpakaian rapi dan sopan.
Sarapan pagi jam 7 pagi (sarapan disediakan jam 07.00 – 10.00). Menu buah (jambu, buah naga, melon) plus roti (bisa toasted – toast by ourself) selai nanas or butter. Ada minuman aneh, seperti buah tapi dilapisi tepung, tidak tau apa nama minuman ini, but it’s delicious – must try it.
Selesai sarapan langsung jalan ke BTS nana, beli tiket di vendor machine harus pakai koin. Karena tidak ada koin, kami menukarnya di loket.
Cara beli tiket, pilih lokasi BTS (tujuan paling akhir) – lihat petunjuk di samping mesin, masukkan koin, tiket kartu akan keluar.
Kami naik BTS ke Siam, lalu change BTS ke Saptha Taksin (Tujuan Saptha Taksin pier – naik perahu) ke Grand palace.
Disini saya melakukan kesalahan, saya hanya beli tiket sampai BTS Nana, padahal kami naik sampai ke Saptha Taksin. Sampai di exit BTS, saya bilang ke petugas kalau tiket yang saya beli hanya sampai di Siam, lalu tiket kami diminta, discan, dan kami harus membayar 30 bath (tapi petugas tidak marah).
Diluar BTS banyak sekali pedangan kaki lima, menjual sarapan nasi, roti, buah, harga murah. Buat yang belum sarapan bisa beli disini.
Jangan beli tiket perahu di loket – harga 150 bath, untuk tur Chao praya river. Langsung naik ke perahu, bayar diatas perahu (ada kondektur perahu yang akan menagih).
Kami naik perahu bendera oranye turun di Tha Chang (N9), harga perahu 11 bath.
Dari Tha Chang, jalan kaki 5 menit sampai di Grand Palace. Tiket masuk 350 bath (include tiket ke VimanmekMansion). Disini kami diberi peta GrandPalace, bisa juga sewa audio 300 bath, untuk self tur guide, kami tidak menyewanya.
Bawa payung, disini panas sekali, pakai topi tidak membantu, jam 9 pagi ada parade tentara. Setelah bernarsis ria disini, (tidak semua tempat kami kunjungi – karena cuaca sangat panas, I think it was 32°C, for me it’s extremly hot, buat karyawan kantoran yang jarang terpapar matahari) kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Wat Pho.
Menuju ke Wat Pho, naik kapal ke Tha Tien pier (N8), tarif boat lebih mahal bath 14, padahal hanya 1 stop saja.
Tiket masuk 50 bath. Sayangnya bangungan Budha tidur dalam perbaikan, tapi kami bisa masuk kedalam. Setelah itu masuk ke dalam bangunan yang lain. Disini lebih enak, karena bisa masuk ke dalam building, jadi bisa berteduh. Dibanding Grand Palace, jalan2 ditempat terbuka.
Untuk masuk ke dalam setiap bangunan (saya rasa tempat para Arahat), wajib melepaskan alas kaki. Jangan khawatir tidak akan hilang.
Setelah kami rasa cukup, (tidak mengunjungi setiap tempat) kami melanjutkan ke Wat Arun. Dalam perjalanan kami stop disalah satu pedagang kaki lima beli air harga 10 bath (7-11 – harga air 7 bath) dan membeli gantungan kunci 100 bath untuk 5 item, pluas buah plum 20 bath.
Dari Tha Tian kami menyebrang ke Wat Arun naik perahu, 3 bath. Paling bagus ke Wat Arun sore hari, karena siang terik banget. Disini kami naik sampai ke atas, step tangga lebih tinggi dari borobudur, tapi ukuran tapak tangga lebih kecil, jadi hati2.
Kami hanya sebentar disini, karena cuaca sangat panas.
Lalu kembali ke Tha Tian naik kapal – 3 bath. Disini kami makan dipinggir jalan beli nasi putih 10 bath (karena vegetarian, kami bawa lauk dari rumah). Makanan yang dijual, seperti bakso, nasi, mie, bihun. Banyak penduduk lokal yang makan disini.
Lanjut ke VimanmekMansion (Rumah jati terbesar di sunia), kami pergi dengan naik taxi meter – 115 bath. VimanmekMansion sangat luas. Tips berpergian : Print lokasi dengan bahasa thai plus alamat, karena logat kami tidak dimengerti supir taxi (sangat membantu dan mempermudah perjalanan).
Tas, kamera, Hp harus dititipkan di loker, tariff 30 bath (hanya bisa dibuka 1 kali). Untuk masuk kedalam akan ada petugas mengecek apakah tidak ada barang yang tidak boleh dibawa. Tiket masuk – tunjukkan tiket yang dibeli dari GrandPalace.
Lalu memilih guide untuk keliling, Guide yang tersedia Bahasa Inggris, Thai, Mandarin. Untuk masuk ke dalam gedung kami harus melepaskan sepatu.
Vimamek Mansion dibangun di awal tahun 1900 oleh Raja Rama ke V, didalamnya banyak benda benda bersejarah, dari berbagai Negara (China, Jepang, Belgia, Inggris, Portugis, Perancis, Spanyol, dll), terutama Eropa, karena Raja Rama V dulunya bersekolah di Eropa.
Kami tidak mengitari seluruh tempat di VimanmekMansion, taman disini sangat bagus, spot yang bagus untuk berfoto.
Kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke PlatinumPlaza by taxi meter, 82 bath.
Disini kami turun di zona 1 (Platinum plaza memiliki 3 zona). Kami langsung menuju ke food court, lantai paling atas dan memesan menu vegetarian : tom yam (45 bath) dan noodle (45 bath). Untuk membeli makanan disini harus membeli kupon dahulu (kupon berbentuk kartu).
Setelah selesai makan, kami turun ke lantai bawah belanja.
Tips belanja disini, belilah di lantai tas, harga lebih murah dibanding beli di lantai 1 or 2. Jangan lupa menawar, min 30%. Tapi ada juga yang sudah sale, jadi harga fixed price.
Karena ingin membeli tas kami pindah ke zona 3, disini juga kami naik ke lantai paling atas. Banyak pedagang, sepatu disini, mutu barang bagus, tapi harga murah. Dengan harga (IDR 100ribu) sudah bisa membeli barang dengan kualitas yang bagus, model keren.
Diluar Platinum plaza ada patung 4 face, tapi tidak ada yang sembahyang disini. Setelah itu kami jalan kaki ke I setan (kami tidak memakai peta, karena bis dari airport kemarin melalui jalan ini, jadi kami sudah mendapatkan gambaran).
Disini ada patung Ganessa dan 4 Face, banyak sekali orang yang bersembahyang disini. Patung Ganessa untuk kelancaran usaha/bisnis, sedangkan patung 4 face untuk kesehatan, asmara, dll.
Ada dupa dan lilin gratis yang bisa dipakai disini, bisa juga beli diluar dapat dupa, lilin, plus bunga mawar harga 70 bath.
Setalah sembahyang kami naik ke atas, mall seperti sogo (ada toko buku Kinokuniya dilantai paling atas). Sekali lagi hanya bisa beli nasi putih, tidak ada menu vegetarian disini, harga 18 bath (seharusnya 20 bath, tapi ada discount).
Kami berencana kembali ke Suk11, dalam perjalanan menuju BTS kami melihat Erawan Shire, jadi kamimampir disini untuk bersembahyang. Tips sembahyang disini, belilah dupa & bunga didalam, jangan beli dari pedagang kaki lima. Karena tidak tahu, dan untuk kepraktisan kami membeli di pedagang kaki lima harga 800 bath, terkejut, tapi kmai tetap membeli. Ternyata harga dupa & bunga didalam lebih murah dibawah 100 bath, OMG.
Sembahyang dari depan kemudian mengitari dari sebelah kiri.
Tempat ini ramai sekali, walaupun sudah jam 10 malam banyak turis dan penduduk lokal yang datang bersembahyang disini.
Today we get up early in the morning. At 05.30 we depart to Chiang Mai airport. Plane board on time at 06.40, and arrived at Bangkok 08.10 am. Then we went to left luggage ask our luggage for 5 minutes to drop off our things from Chiang Mai.
After that we take airport railway to Phaya Thai station, fare bath 45. Went from airport without carry luggage was comfortable, but if takes luggage also it’ll not comfortable, since we had to go up and down stairs.
It's take 35 minutes arrived at Phaya Thai station, then we change BTS to Mo chit – JJ Market. BTS fare 30 bath. Get off at Mochit then take exit 1 to go to JJ Market (Chatuchak).
To go there we’ve got to go out from JJ market (exit from section 26), then cross the road (it’s sell furniture front of JJ Market) and turn left. There were no English alphabet, but people said it was Chamlong Asoke.
We glad can find it, since the food court all sell many vegetarian food, organic one. They sold rice, soup, noodle, fruit, many pedestrian food, etc, but all vegetarian and organic. Price also cheap between 10 – 20 bath. Many local and foreign eat there.
There were small supermarket which sell organic vegetarian food also ice cream. Don’t forget to buy this one, cost 15 bath and delicious - had 4 taste.
We bought rice take away for our dinner at airport, cheap each 15 bath.
At JJ market, I only buy earring – 9 bath, and small purse 10 bath, oh also shirt 100 bath for 3 item. We not interest with JJ Market, for us it was expensive, Border market or market at Laos more cheaper. JJ Market goods quality not quite good, Platinum Plaza much much better.
So we decide to back to the airport, even we still had long time to spend. MBK goods also expensive, so we didn’t go there.
We back to airport by railway, and wait there.
I suggest bring a lot cash if you wanna visit Bangkok, since the product had good quality and cheap.
06.30 Breakfast at Chiang Mai Thai House, toasted bread (2pc) with pineapple jam and butter, cost bath 25.
We wait our tour pick us up. Today we going to Chiang Rai with Travel Hub. We follow tour for bath 900 + Golden Triangle ride boat & tax bath 320 + Visit Karen Hill bath 200 = bath 1.400. It was the cheapest tour I can find, I book by internet, and payment at front for bath 900, the other was optional (pay there) if we didn’t want to follow it’s ok.
Our tour destination was :
• Visit Mae Khajan hot springs
• Wat Rong Khun (White Temple)
• Visit Golden Triangle
• Boat trip on the Mekong to Laos Island (option)
• Have lunch
• Visit border market at Mae Sai
• Visit Yao hill tribe village
• Visit Akha hill tribe village
• Visit karen hill tribe village
Here our journey.
Our tour guide (Ms. Anna) said that used to be there were Lanna Kingdom there. One day the king lost his elephant and he run search for his elephant, till he found land today called Chiang Rai (Chiang Rai only half of Chiang Mai) and built city there. The King names was Meng Rai. After that the king found Chiang Mai.
Mae Khajan Hot Springs
Mae Khajan Hot Springs
It’s take an hour drive from Chiang Mai to here. There were small geyser at front – the water was not hot. At here weather was cold, and at back stall market we can soak our foot here. The water was heat, clean, it’s about 70-80 celsius degree. But the place was not as big as Ciater hot springs at Bandung or at Kelud Mountain - Indonesian.
After soaking my foot here, I feel much better, my feet not too tired.
Wat Rong Khun (White Temple)
From Mae Khajan Hot Springs take an hour to go here. This temple was built by Thailand actor. He was born at Chiang Rai and want to do something for his village so he built this temple. Till today it hadn’t finish all, still in progress. But the main building already finish.
Wat Rong Khun (White Temple)
Toilet at White Temple
Story about the temple is : at below there were many hand handicraft, symbol of hell for bad people, good people will cross the bridge to go to the heaven. Inside the temple there were giant Budhha statue. And the wallpaper had story : was paint that the world had many disaster, by weapon, gun, nuclear, or other bad things, many super hero there, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, even Doraemon (Japanese cartoon super hero), etc, but they can save the world from disaster.
It was told us to pray to God. And only good people ride boat go to the heaven.
Nice story.
Outside temple there were gold building beside the temple, it toilet. But it’ beautiful.
Then we went to exhibition room, inside there hang many painting, no photograph allow here.
Golden Triangle
Then we went to Golden Triangle. Why it called golden triangle?
Because used to be it was plant many opium there, and they only sell it with gold.
Now there were no opium there, it was forbidden by Thailand government.
Triangle is because it was meeting point of 3 country : Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.
So the place called Golden Triangle.
Golden Triangle rivers : Mekong river water came from Yunan (China River), which cross many country. Many Chinese people there made trading here. If went to China with small boat by cross Golden Triangle river it’s takes 3-4 days.
We ride boat here cross Mekong river, there were casino at Laos, border the river. Also hotel at there, it’s very expensive hotel, since people stay there usually gamble at the casino. We get off at Laos market, at here they offer us drink whisky for free. But I not try it. The whisky water was from a bottle, which inside there were snake, scorpio, spider all was poison animals.
At here bag was good quality (it's seems china product), but I'm not buy it. If wanna buy small wallet buy here. It’s cheaper then JJ market. Here 3 wallet cost 70 bath, at JJ Market 3 cost 80 bath (the cheapest I can find - only one), other 3 for 120 bath. Don’t worry bath was accept here.
After that we had lunch. Lunch was excellent, taste good. The fruit, rice, soup, pancake, all good.
Place we had Lunch
Border Market at Mae Sae
Here we buy a lot snacks, it's cheap. And at here I found la ji (read lak ji) same like I buy at Zhu hai – China, many product from china sold here. This market border with Myanmar, for foreign want to cross this border had to pay bath 500, but for Thai person only pay bath 20. At here I can speak mandarin language, since many seller from China and they speak mandarin language.
All product same like China product, and cheap also. Just beware if you didn’t understand about stone don’t buy here.
Akha/Yao Trible Hill Village
At here we visit Akha Hill Village. Akha people was immigrant from Yunan - China, they came here hundred years ago, also from Burma and Laos (when their country had civil war). They lived at bamboo house, only had one room for sleep, living room, kitchen was outside.
Karen Hill Village
Way of life Karen Hill People similar with Akha. But Karen girl wear rings on their neck. According with our guide, only women wear it, since used to be they was forbidden to get marriage with other people outside from their community.
They start wearing ring at their neck from 5 years old. But now they can choose not to wear it, since they want to go to school. But there were volunteer comes to their village gave education for them.
And now a days they already can get marriage with people outside their community and if they do it, they can let the ring off.
Now only girl who born at Wednesday, in full moon had to use the rings. Because they believe they will be beautiful when they use the rings. But as I see they was beautiful and had beautiful skin.
I hold the ring and you know what it’s more then 4 kg. Wow…. they had to carry it for they whole life. Just can’t imagine about it.
They made their clothes called sarung by them self, and they was so independent to full filling live.
Some of them use ring not at the neck but at the leg, and wear earring (very heavy and long one), it's was from different community.
That all our journey at Chiang Rai then we back to Chiang Mai takes 3 hour drive back.
We get off at Taste from heaven and had dinner there. It’s not cheap compare with other but it’s vegetarian and organic restaurant.
Get up early in the morning, 06.30 am we already down stair and put our luggage at 2nd floor to storage luggage. Since Suk11 office hadn’t opened yet, so we had to wait. Office opened at 08.00. Other staff was nice, but they can help us, since they wasn’t office staff.
We wait and had breakfast, but can eat well, because we’ve got to catch out flight to Chiang Mai.
Then the owner came, but she can’t help us too, since she can’t go up stair, she use cane. And we can’t leave our luggage, there were application form need to be fill at 2nd floor. One of Suk11 regulation is check in early in the morning should be done before 22.00 on the day before. Which I didn’t notice on it, since many notice hang at check in desk, which can’t made people focus on it.
So we decide to take our luggage with us. Then we took taxi to Suvarnabhumi airport. But one things I didn’t like, that the driver turn off meter when he know we want to go to Suvarnabhumi airport for BKK airport (I didn’t understand what the different about it), and he charge us for bath 500 (actually cost only bath 250). We can’t get off, not because we can’t find other taxi, but we’ve got to arrived at the airport ASAP. Our flight 08.40 and it’s already 07.30. It’s takes 45 minutes to go to the airport.
I already made self check in for flight from BKK-CM, so when we arrived we go to left baggage at Suvarnabhumi (Cost per day bath 100 – if we can storage luggage at Suk11, cost bath 20 per day).
After that we go to our gate, when we arrived at the gate it's already 08.40, but flight was board at 09.10.
When arrived at Chiang Mai, we take maps at airport and go to Wat Suan Dok by taxi. We take taxi at front, if we take taxi from inside we’ve got to pay bath 120 – same fare to down town. We pay airport tax bath 50, and the meter bath 52 pay with the driver.
Wat Suan Dok
Wat Suan Dok is not a big temple, all was white. Inside there were Giant Buddha statue. After take picture and pray inside, we go to the back to get lunch.
Place was nice, below Boddhi Tree, so the weather not too hot, and we can heard bird singing, it’s quite place.
We order Tom Yam soup, Fried Rice, spaghetti and steam brown rice (all organic and vegan). Water is free. Cost four our lunch bath 140.
Then we took red car in front of the Wat, to go to Chiang Mai University. Fare bath 20/each. After that we took other red car (Songtheuw) to go to Bhubing Palace and Wat Prathat Doi Suthep. After bargain we made deal at bath 600. Take more then 30 minutes to go there.
Bhubhing Palace
1st destination was Bhubing Palace. It’s big and large area. Entrance ticket Bath 50. We not go to all place, only till stop 5 – fountain water – (all had 10 place to visit) but it was turn off, so we can’t take picture with the fountain water.
Bhubing palace weather nice, not too hot, and many flower here, all was beautiful. We only spend 1 hour here, then continuous to Wat Prathat Doi Suthep.
Admission fee at Wat Prathat Doi Suthep was bath 50, entrance ticket Bath 20, elevator bath 30. It was nice temple, we had to take off our shoes again here. And there were little girl about 6-8 person dance here. People said it was the most holy temple at Chiang Mai.
We can’t see Chiang Mai city from here since there were many fog.
We get down by dragon stair, and if you want to buy merchandise – buy here, it’s cheaper then JJ market, also don’t forget to bargain.
Wat Prathat Doi Suthep
We only spend 1 hour here, then back to down town to Wat Prah Shing. It’s was the most beautiful temple at Chiang Mai, but for me all temple at Bangkok had same architecture.
Then continue to Wat Chedi Luang by walk. It was the oldest temple at Chiang Mai.
Then take tuk tuk to May Kaidee’s to eat, cost bath 50. It was cheap and vegan, all food no garlic, no onion. 1 portion cost only bath 20.
After eat we take tuk tuk to Chiang Mai Thai house cost bath 50. It’s small cozy place, quite and had swimming pool. For fare bath 420 and also free internet, there were 5 unit PC ready to used - it's cheap.
We rent room with fan fare 420, air condition room fare bath 770. Room clean, big window, there were television inside (Thai channel, only star movie channel we can see), towel, and soap bar. Better than Suk11, but only half price from Suk11.
We also order transportation to delivered us to airport at April, 24 early in the morning, cost bath 160 for 1 or 2 per pax, up 3 person each bath 80. But they charge us bath 300.
They give me Chiang Mai maps. I like to stay here, it’s just like home.
After check in we walk to Chiang Mai night bazaar, but since all things they sell similar with all place we already visit, we decide to back to guest house and get rest.
Get up at 06.00 o’clock. At 07.00 am we already at down stair to had breakfast (breakfast serve from 07.00 – 10.00). We had fruit (guava, dragon fruit, papaya), bread with pineapple jam (butter available), there were toaster there. All self service, after finish eat we had to clean up our glass and plate.
Then we walk to BTS nana – near suk11 – only 5 minutes. To take BTS we had to get the ticket from vendor ticket machine. Ticket only can be bought by coin money, since we didn’t had any coin we change cash Bath 100 with coin.
To purchase ticket, first select destination – see the number at machine, then insert coin, after that ticket will came out.
Actually we had to purchase Ticket to Saptha Taksin to take boat there, but I only bought ticket till BTS Siam (Since we had to change BTS there). When we get off at Sapta Taksin, I told to the officer that I only bought ticket till Siam, then he ask my ticket and give to officer inside, scan it and told me to pay bath 30 (bath 30 was from Siam to Saptha Taksin fare for one pax, but I didn’t know why he only ask for 30 bath not 60 bath).
Many stall food sell there, fruit, breakfast, rice, and it’s cheap. We ask officer where boat to Tha Chang (N9), because we want to get off at Grand palace. Pay on boat fare only Bath 11, if we bought ticket at locket we had to pay bath 150 (full trip at Chao Praya River). Here Chao Praya River links. Notice for flag colour when take boat.
Grand Palace
After get off we walk to Grand Palace, takes 5 minutes walk there. Fortunately we bring umbrella so it’s not too hot. Grand palace ticket was bath 350 (include ticket to go Vimanmek Mansion). There were audio rent, cost bath 300 – guide for our self, but we didn’t rent it.
They give us Grand Palace map. Grand palace was huge and large, also heat, I think it was 32 celsius degree. Grand Palace was open from 08.30 am – 15.30 pm.
Many good spot to take picture here, and at +/- 09.00 am there were soldier parade, take picture while they parade.
The Garden was beautiful, green.
Since it was too heat we decide to go to Wat pho – Reclining Buddha, even we hadn’t round all place there.
We back to Tha Chang pier (N9) to take boat to Tha Tian pier (N8) - Wat Pho. Actually it can be done by walk, but it’s take 30 minutes and the weather was (for me) extremely hot. At Wat Pho we bought souvenir Bath 100 for 5 items. I bought 4 key chains, small smiling buddha statue. Also plum fruits (At Indonesian it’s rare and hard to find) Bath 20.
Boat fare Bath 14 (it’s near – but I didn’t know why fare so expensive). Wat Pho opening hour 08.30 – 17.00 – there were monk there, but they didn’t speak English. Admission fee bath 50. At here there were many building, I think it’s for Arahat, since I didn’t understand Thai Language and no English alphabet, so didn’t know who is them.
There were place which can’t take photograph inside. Btw, to go inside at all place here we had to take our shoes, put it outside, don’t worry it won’t disappeared.
Wat Arun
Then we take boat opposite Tha Tian Pier to Wat Arun. Boat fare 3.
The weather was extremely hot, even already wear hat still heat, using umbrella better. To go up stair we need to claim, which the stair so high (higher then Borobudur stair, but smaller). Since we already arrived there, then we decide to go up stair even it’s hot and a little bit danger.
About 13.30 we decide to back – take boat back to Tha Tien pier – fare bath 3. It’s hard to find food here, we only find one food stall here, sell rice, since we vegetarian so we only bought rice and eat with food we already prepare from Indonesian. Rice cost bath 10.
Then we took meter taxi to Vimanmek Mansion, fare bath 115. Other way to go here, take boat to Thewet Pier (N15), then takes tuk tuk fare +/- bath 60.
Here we need to storage our bag at locker cost bath 30, and only could be open once.
Vimanmek Mansion
After that choose Guide inside the mansion English, Thai, or Chinese. We choose English guide. Vimanmek Mansion was build at beginning year 1900 by King Rama V, he had a lot wife’s which princess from many country.
Inside the Mansion, was many ceramic, dinning set, tea set, furniture from many country, especially Europe such England, Switzerland, Portugal, Chinese, Japan, Belgium, etc.
We need to take off shoes here.
Vimanmek Mansion was the world’s largest golden teakwood. Beside the mansion many place can visit there. But we didn’t visit all, since already tired and hungry.
Then we took farang taxi meter to Platinum Plaza, fare bath 85, but we only pay bath 82, what a kind taxi driver. Thank you Mr. Taxi.
Platinum Plaza was devide 3 zone. We only go to Zone 1 & 3.
Zone 1 sell shirt, dress, accessories and food. We ate at food court highest floor (4th or 6th floor), for Tom Yam and noodle soup – each bath 45, and drink mineral water bath 10. Cheapest mineral water was at 7-11 (bath 7), every where sell mineral water bath 10. To purchase food here, need to buy coupon first.
At here sell cheap merchandise. My friends bought underwear (She’s crazy, went to other country for buying underwear, isn’t she?). Bath 100 for 3 items. Shirt was bath 100 for 4 items. Nice clothes one piece around 150-250 bath. I bought for my nephew shirt, short, T-shirt all bath 250.
Tips shopping here, buy things up stair – it’s cheaper rather than buy at 1st or 2nd floor.
I bought bag for my mom bath 325 – bargain from bath 490. Also sunglass for bath 70 – bargain from 100. Oh, I also buy necklace bath 50 each – I buy 4.
Then we moved to zone 3, at here I bought hand bag bath 400 (already sale, no bargain), small bag for niece bath 250 – bargain from bath 350, shoes for bath 370, bargain from 450, also belt bath 70. All was good quality.
In front of Platinum Plaza there were four face Buddha statue, but no one pray here.
Then we walk to I Setan mall. Out side building there were Ganessa Statue and 4 face Buddha statue. Many people pray here, they said the Ganessa for business, the 4 face Buddha for healthy, love, etc.
We buy dupa, flower and candle bath 70, the flower was rose. But it’s also available dupa to pray for free.
After that we go inside to buy food, but no vegetarian restaurant here, so one more time we buy rice (it’s expensive bath 18).
On the way we back to Suk11 by BTS, we saw Erawan Shrine, so we get off at Hyatt Hotel and pray there.
Tips pray here, don’t buy flower, candle and dupa outside, it’s extremely expensive, we buy here for bath 800. Buy flower, dupa and candle inside, it’s cheap under bath 100.
To pray here start from in front of and then turn left. For each face 3 dupa, 1 flower and 1 candle.
Many people said wish will comes true here. Hopefully it is. I made a wish here (a lot of wish actually hehehehe).
Then we back to suk11 by BTS Siam to BTS nana fare bath 20.
First time flight to Bangkok, I was travel with my friends. Luckily we already self check in, because when we arrived at Juanda Airport – check in gate already close. After drop baggage, we went to the gate, plane board on time.
Suvarnabhumi Airport
Arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport 19.30 pm. Suvarnabhumi was big airport but easy to find place we looking for. Immigration not queue at all, after take luggage we go exit 8 and go down stair bought bus ticket AE03 to Sukhumvit Rd, we stay at Suk 11, bus fare bath 150.
Don’t forget to take Bangkok maps, then we go outside and bus already wait there.
Bus immediately board, even only 4 passenger inside (include us). It was old bus and had air condition, not really comfortable, LCCT shuffle bus more comfortable.
Take more then 45 minutes to get off at Sukhumvit rd. We supposed get off at soi 11, but bus driver dropping us at soi 5, same with other passenger.
We walk along Sukhumvit to Suk11 (soi 11). It’s not easy to find the guest house, even I already had the maps, takes about 10 minute to Suk11 by walk – don’t take cabs or tuk tuk, it’s not far. Many retail sell goods there, not cheap (Platinum Plaza cheaper) but also not expensive (JJ Market/Chatuchack sometimes had higher price).
We arrived at Suk 11 about 21.00pm. When we arrived no staff at check in desk, we knock at the office and ask for check in, then staff came out and serve us. Staff was unfriendly, after fill application form and give deposit for key Bath 100 (it could be refund when check out), we go to our room 413 (4th floor, no elevator – had to carry luggage by our self).
At 2nd floor to go inside need to tap key to open the door (for security). Stair was small, so it not comfortable go up stair with luggage. Room standard (for Bath 963 – Room bath 900 + tax bath 63), air condition, no television, towel and small soap bar (It’s not value with the price), and no mineral water (we bought water at 7-11, cost bath 7).
Then we walk along Sukhumvit road. Actually we want to go to Chinatown, but staff said it’s takes 45 minutes to go there (it already 21.30 pm), also no BTS at Chinatown – nearest one was Hualampong BTS (here Bangkok BTS link), so we decided not go there.
Other transportation at Bangkok :
1. MRT
2. Bus
3. Train
Since we was vegetarian we go to Khana Kahazana, it’s Indian restaurant. But it can serve food with out garlic, onion and green leaf. We order Samosa (nice, not to too delicious but ok) and roasted potato (for me it’s weird), Lessie – Mango and salted. Mango was good, don’t try salted – it not delicious at all.
언젠간 이 눈물이 멈추길
onjen-gani nunmuri momchugil
I hope this tears will stop running someday
언젠간 이 어둠이 걷히고
onjen-gani odumi gothigo
Someday after this darkness clear up
따스한 햇살이 이 눈물을 말려주길
ttaseuhan hessari i nunmureul mallyojugil
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
지친 내 모습이 조금씩 지겨워지는 걸 느끼면
jichin ne moseubi jogeumssik jikyowojineun gol neukkimyon
When I feel that I’m getting tired of looking me exhausted
다 버리고 싶죠 힘들게 지켜오던 꿈을
da borigo sipjyo himdeulge jikyo-odon kkumeul
I want to give all my dreams I’ve kept hard
가진 것보다는 부족한 것이 너무나도 많은 게
gajin gotbodaneun bujokhan gosi nomunado maneun ge
very time I feel that I’m lacking in many things more than I have
느껴질 때마다 다리에 힘이 풀려서 나 주저앉죠
neukkyojil ttemada darie himi pullyoso na jujoanjyo
I lost strength in my legs and drop down
언젠간 이 눈물이 멈추길
onjen-gani nunmuri momchugil
I hope this tears will stop running someday
언젠간 이 어둠이 걷히고
onjen-gani odumi gothigo
Someday after this darkness clear up
따스한 햇살이 이 눈물을 말려주길
ttaseuhan hessari i nunmureul mallyojugil
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
괜찮을 거라고 내 스스로를 위로하며 버티는
gwenchaneul gorago ne seuseuroreul wirohamyo botineun
Everyday I hold out comforting myself “it’ll be alright”
하루하루가 날 조금씩 두렵게 만들고
haruharuga nal jogeumssik duryopge mandeulgo
But it makes me afraid little by little
나를 믿으라고 말하면서도 믿지 못하는 나는
nareul mideurago malhamyonsodo mitji mothaneun naneun
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
이제 얼마나 더 오래 버틸 수 있을 지 모르겠어요
ije olmana do ore botil su isseul ji moreugessoyo
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out
기다리면 언젠간 오겠지
gidarimyon onjen-gan ogetji
But wait it’ll come someday
밤이 길어도 해는 뜨듯이
bami girodo heneun tteudeusi
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
아픈 내 가슴도 언젠간 다 낫겠지
apeun ne gaseumdo onjen-gan da natgetji
Someday my painful heart will get well
날 이젠 도와주길 하늘이 제발 도와주길
nal ijen dowajugil haneuri jebal dowajugil
I hope it helps me now, hope God will help me
나 혼자서만 이겨내기가 점점 더 자신이 없어져요
na honjasoman igyonegiga jomjom do jasini opsojyoyo
I don’t have enough confidence more and more to overcome myself
언젠간 이 눈물이 멈추길
onjen-gani nunmuri momchugil
I hope this tears will stop running someday
언젠간 이 어둠이 걷히고
onjen-gani odumi gothigo
Someday after this darkness clear up
따스한 햇살이 이 눈물을 말려주길
ttaseuhan hessari i nunmureul mallyojugil
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
기다리면 언젠간 오겠지
gidarimyon onjen-gan ogetji
But wait it’ll come
밤이 길어도 해는 뜨듯이
bami girodo heneun tteudeusi
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
아픈 내 가슴도 언젠간 다 낫겠지
apeun ne gaseumdo onjen-gan da natgetji
Someday my painful heart will get well